Contact Us

We’d love
to hear from you!

For general information, please email us at [email protected]

office location

4410 College Main
Bryan, TX 77801

Hours of operation:
Monday-Friday 9:00am-4:00pm

Telephone: 979-846-3670
Fax: 979-846-3747

For Volunteer Opportunities, please contact [email protected] or call 979-846-3670.

For Community Service information, please contact [email protected] or call 979-846-3670 and ask for Jasmine.   Feel free to stop by the office during our open business hours. 


Junction Five-O-Five Office Office Manager [email protected] 979.846.3670
Junction Five-O-Five InformationGeneral Information [email protected] 979.846.3670
Jennifer PatridgeExecutive Director [email protected]



Logan MartinCounty Site Supervisor-Contract Specialist[email protected]979.846.3670
Sue McBeth WelfelProgram Manager [email protected] 979.846.3670 x 108
John GlazeOperations Manager[email protected] 979.846.3670 x 110
Alice Martin Business Manager[email protected] 979.846.3670 x 101
Susan South Supported Employment Specialist[email protected]979.846.3670 x 104
Jasmine CrumSupported Employment Specialist[email protected]979.846.3670 x 105
Mary TranSupported Employment Specialist[email protected]979.846.3670 x 103
Ruby JacksonCrew Supervisor, Job Coach[email protected]979.846.3670
Rotrina DavisCrew Supervisor, Job Coach[email protected]979.846.3670
Kenn GuajardoCrew Supervisor, Job Coach[email protected]979.846.3670
Jerry OvalleCrew Supervisor[email protected]979.846.3670