Community Employers

Junction Five-O-Five is dedicated to enhancing the quality of life for adults with disabilities by providing them with the opportunity to enter the workforce. Once the employee is able to perform the job without assistance and the employer agrees, Junction Five-O-Five staff will monitor the employee and communicate with the employer during their employment.
At no cost to the employer!
- We take training pressures off the employer and come to the worksite with the new employee.
- We train and help the employee learn new tasks until it can be performed without assistance.
- We also assist the employee with learning work policies and procedures.
- We offer assistance with communication skills, problem solving techniques, and help with finding accommodations to ensure the job gets done.

what is job coaching?
Junction Five-O-Five maintains an applicant pool and is selective in screening these applicants for their ability to successfully perform the required job duties. This process of job matching helps to ensure satisfactory placements with high job retention rates.
When an employer decides to hire an individual who would benefit from job coaching, several things happen. First, an employment specialist compares the job requirements to the qualifications of those applicants interested in a job.
Next, an employment specialist or job coach is sent to the job site to learn the procedures necessary for satisfactory completion of the job tasks. This employment specialist, or “coach”, is offered at no charge to the employer or to the employee. Then, after the coach is familiar with the tasks, the hired applicant is brought on site and training begins.
This coaching process guarantees the employer has no loss of quality or productivity during the training process. The coach will remain on site with the employee until the coach and employer are satisfied with the performance of the new employee.
Finally, a period called “fade out” begins. Fade out at the job site means the coach will leave the employee periodically during working hours. This is the beginning of the final phase of separating the coach and the employee. At the end of fade out, the employee will be self-sufficient and integrated into his/her particular job setting.
For the duration of the employment, an employment specialist will make contact twice a month with the employee and employer to ensure that job duties continue to be performed successfully.
Like the job coaching, there is no charge for this service. If at any time problems develop at the work site, the job coach and/or the employment specialist will be available to provide various services that are directed toward supporting the successful employment of our customers.

Competitive integrated employment
Competitive Employment in the community is based on an individual’s skills, abilities, and needs. The work setting is determined by the customer and includes all industries and professions. Junction Five-O-Five provides career planning assistance, assessment, assists with resume development, job search, interviewing, and on-the-job training.
To name a few, some employers we work with:
- Chick-Fil-A
- Habitat for Humanity Restore
- Lilleker Antique Auto Restorations
- Whataburger
- & many others in the community
In small group employment, groups of individuals with disabilities working as a team, in the community, supervised by a Junction Five-O-Five staff member. This type of work leverages the strength of each individual in the team to accomplish a goal. All employees earn over minimum wage and average 20hrs per week.
These include work with:
- Junction Five-O-Five’s Mobile Parks Crew
- Brazos County
- Texas A&M University
- Texas Department of Transportation
- City of Bryan

- Academy
- Aggieland Outfitters
- Allied Universal Security
- American Biochemicals
- Anco Insurance
- Aramark
- Arby’s
- At Home Décor
- Auto Zone
- Blinn College
- Blue Baker
- B.I.S.D.
- Brookshire Brothers
- Bryan Lumbar
- Bryan Police Department
- Bullfrogs & Butterflies Childcare
- Buppy’s Catering
- Calloway House
- Casa Ole
- CC Creations
- Chartwells
- Compass USA
- Chick-Fil-A
- Chili’s
- Chipotle
- Cinemark/Hollywood 16
- City of Bryan
- City of College Station
- C.S.I.S.D.
- Copy Corner
- Cotton Patch Café
- Cracker Barrel
- Crestview Retirement Community
- Crossroads Storage & Moving
- Dairy Queen
- Daniel Jarvis Home Health Agency
- Davis & Davis Law Firm
- Dollar Tree Store
- Einstein’s Cafe
- Fairfield Inn
- Fazoli’s
- Furniture Source International

- Hampton Inn
- H.E.B.
- Hillel Center
- Hilton Hotel
- Home Depot
- Home Instead
- Howell Service Corp
- Jack In The Box
- Jason’s Deli
- Kent Moore Cabinets
- Kristen Distributing
- Kroger
- La Quinta
- Lowe’s
- Lampstand
- Lampstand Nursing Home
- Levy Restaurant
- Little Caesar’s Pizza
- Lilleker Antique Auto Restoration
- Mac Resource
- Madden’s
- McDonald’s
- Management & Training Corporation
- Meals on Wheel
- Messina Hof
- Millican House
- Miramont Country Club
- Momentum Plaza
- Neutral Posture
- Papa John’s Pizza
- Pet Supplies Plus
- Petal Patch
- Photo Texas Photography
- Pizza Hut
- Plygem
- Premiere Cinema
- Presbyterian Church
- Pubsco Publication

- Ramada Inn
- Rapid Car Wash
- ReCon MR
- Red Lobster
- Reynolds & Reynolds
- Rosa’s Cafe
- St. Joseph Regional Health Center
- St. Thomas Early Learning Center
- Sam’s Club
- Sanderson Farms
- Schlotzsky’s Deli
- Scott & White Hospital
- Sonic
- Spirit Ice Arena
- Star Vision
- Stella Hotel
- Subway
- Taco Bell
- Taco Cabana
- Target
- Texas A&M University
- TDCJ Hamilton Unit
- Tasco Auto Color
- Texas Commercial Waste
- Tru-Fit
- Unidine
- Urban Air
- Walgreen’s
- Walmart
- Wellborn Road
- Veterinary Medical Center
- Wendy’s
- Whataburger
- Wiggles & Wags
- Wilton Office Works
- Wings ‘N More
- World Technical Services

Advantages To Supported Employment
A Winning Combination — For the costumer, employment will give them dignity, as they become contributors to their community.
- High performance
- Excellent safety record
- Dependability
- High performance
- Excellent attendance record
- Low employee turn-over rate
- Work opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC)
- On the Job Training
- Pre-screening to ensure appropriate job match
- Paid Job Coaches
- Follow-up services